I probably won’t vote

by PDBY Editor and Shaun Sproule | Apr 8, 2019 | Uncategorized

I probably won’t vote


This issue marks exactly a month until our national elections and like many of the young people we spoke to about it, I don’t think that I will vote in the next election.

I have been quite open about this and whenever I speak about it I am often met with rather extreme reactions. I have been told I am “utterly stupid”, I’ve been told that I am wasting a right that some people around the world might never get, I’ve been told that if I don’t vote I have no right to complain. On the other hand, some people very much agree that they also will not be voting. It is my right to vote, but it also my right to choose not to vote.

This isn’t a rushed decision, and neither is it a practice in laziness. I have thought about it carefully and I am happy with my decision (for now). This could change in the space of a month, and if you think you could convince me otherwise, feel free to send me an email at editor@pdby.co.za. I will post any letters on our website, so be sure to look out for them.

If you haven’t thought about it yet, go check out our article on page 5 to help you make the decision on whether to vote or not to vote, or to just take a look at some varied views.

In other news it’s graduation season! Last week I attended my sister’s graduation and it got me all excited about it again. As I sat there I looked down at all the about-to-be graduates and I could feel the pride and promise from the next batch of those fortunate enough to start their working life with an advantage. However, this also got me thinking about all the talented and deserving young people who are not fortunate enough to have the opportunity that your university experience might offer. Be thankful for what you have, realise the importance of it and how fortunate you are, and one day, when you’ve made it, help someone else advance in life.


Be smart and always be kind.

Shaun Sproule


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