Some of you are facing your first university exam season and it shows…
It’s that time of the year when we all rush to the crazy store to buy those clear little plastic bags to pack stationery into so that you can comply with exam rules. The new exam rules are something I never really had to face with the first time they were implemented falling during the final exams of my undergrad. To me they seem annoying, unnecessary, over the top and their implementation takes the stance that every student will try to cheat.
I am also the type of person who has a specific routine and a ritualistic check list of processes I need to go through before an exam, so the idea of leaving my belongings somewhere I can’t get to in any hurry already starts to get me into a sweat.
I think that we need to look at how exams are being carried out. Is undue stress being placed upon us?
Recently I saw a post in the ‘memeosphere’ where some ingenious exam writer had copied notes to the underside of their plaster to check during an exam. In my experienced people would really go to this level of creativity to get the upper hand.
During this exam season I hope to get this discussion going. Send me your exam experience in a letter to the editor at editor@, and keep an eye on our social media and website.
In any case, take care of yourself during this period. Keep an eye on those around you too, your encouraging words to someone could change their day and you could save that third-first-year chemistry student’s future.
Good luck, and don’t f*** it up.
Shaun Sproule