Type “dark academia” into the Pinterest search bar, and all manner of books and buildings with one thing in common will appear – a very distinct colour palette. What makes dark academia stand out from most other aesthetic themes is the unique colours used to express the nostalgic mood of literature lovers. How does one match their dark academia Pinterest board to their everyday life? Here is the perfect palette to place the dark academia aesthetic into an everyday entertainment experience.
Start with dark academia’s murderous red. As a scholarly student, pack a copy of Wuthering Heights by Emily Brontë in your vintage leather satchel. The intensity, passion, and thunder between Heathcliff and Cathy will set the dark and shadowy mood perfectly. For the more modern students, start streaming Game of Thrones and experience a rollercoaster of murder and passion. These may sound rather dark, but it is not called “dark academia” for laughs.
Dive into a blue darker than midnight, like a crisp winter evening on remote overnight school excursions. For this, plan for a tear-fest movie night with Testament of Youth. Sounds gloomy, but this film brings out all the sombre emotions dark academia reflects with this colour. The film follows the life of war hero Vera Brittain, played by Alicia Vikander, as she struggles with suffering, loss, and sacrifice in the First World War. Do not be dismayed; the film has a hopeful ending and touches deeply on what love looks like during times of isolation and strife. Dark academia touches all bases in teaching valuable life lessons through this moving war film.
For something a little lighter, turn to the gingery warm brown found on the leaves in autumn scenes as leaves fall to the ground. What better way to live this colour than to join the iconic Lorelai and Rory Gilmore on Friday nights in Gilmore Girls. Rory Gilmore is a pioneer of dark academia with her studious attitude, odd complexity, and dreams of Harvard. Scenes set in beautiful gingery Autumns will offer a direct trip straight into the heart of a softer, dark academia scene. Make sure to grab a coffee and a donut to enjoy this series in true Gilmore style – and to experience the fullness of this lovely, inviting brown.
For those needing a thrill, match the deep, chilling purple with two tragic reads. For Shakespeare enthusiasts with a great love for English literature, be sure to flip through the chilling psychological drama that is Macbeth. Filled with witchcraft, murder, and violence, readers will no doubt have hands stained with the deep tones of dark academia from picking up this tragedy. For those looking for something less testing to read, Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier is a must-read bestseller. The novel follows the new life of a young woman after marrying a wealthy widower. Her new relationship is filled with hauntings from his past and constant reminders of Rebecca, the deceased wife whose shoes she has to fill. Set in Manderley, an elite country estate, this novel is a picture-perfect print of dark academia.
Another light touch is the gorgeous greenish grey that can almost be heard rustling on windy countryside road trips. Pay tribute to the endless green background in the Mona Lisa by Leonardo da Vinci by watching Mona Lisa Smile, directed by Mike Newell. Set in 1953, the film follows the decisions made by an art history teacher, played by Julia Roberts, to challenge her female students to break away from academic restrictions. The film had great potential to make radical feminist statements; however, Newell never dives too deeply into any social issues mentioned. It is a great watch to get minds clicking about what could have been said. Perfect for a chick flick movie night.
Anthelme Brillat-Savarin said that “you are what you eat” first when he commented, “Tell me what you eat, and I will tell you what you are.” A 21st-century remix of that could be, “you are what you watch”. What colour swatches can you match with dark academia reads and scenes?