When a formal res just isn’t for you

by PDBY Staff | Mar 8, 2011 | Uncategorized


Approximately twenty first years have moved out of formal residences since January. One of the reasons given for the moves is that some first years are unable to adjust to the way things are run in formal residences.

“First years struggle to adhere to rules such as study times and sharing a room or bathroom,” said Marguérite Snyman, Asterhof primaria. According to Snyman, two other major reasons for the move of the first years is that they don’t know what they want to study and they lack support from their families.

Marga Zeelie, Head of Placement Management in TuksRes, said that TuksRes has received requests from both parents and students who wanted their children to be moved to informal residences, like Tuks Village. Zeelie confirmed that there are currently no available rooms in residences.

“Everything is full at this stage.” Some of the first years that have moved out have been fortunate enough to find rooms in a more informal setting. This was only possible through assessment of the students’ circumstances by TuksRes placement management.

According to Zeelie, placement will now only be based on academic merit.“Accommodation is limited, yet the demand is great,” he said. “There are currently 1021 first year students on the waiting lists.”

According to Lange, first years shouldn’t make hasty decisions about moving out in the ? rst few weeks. “It takes time to adjust,” said Lange. “But res life is not for everyone.”Zeelie also encouraged first years to hang in there.

“You will make great friends in res.” Lange also said that when people apply for res placement, despite the information made available by residences on the university’s website and in res booklets, they often have no idea of what a formal res is.

This becomes a contributing factor in the approach that students have towards res life. “When moving into a Tuks residence, do so with a positive attitude mind an open mind,” said Snyman.

“Voice your concerns and complaints in a respectful manner as this skill is essential throughout life. Accompany your complaints with practical solutions as far as possible.”The choice to move out of a formal residence after two months is an indication that there are some ? rst years who are unhappy in their residences.

If a first year is unhappy, they can raise their concerns with their ? rst year guardian HK or their primaria or the Head of Residences. “Keep in mind that the very same issues may arise in another residence, so rather find a solution in your current residence,” said Snyman.

Res should provide a comfortable environment for a student to live and study in. Perhaps then, if that is not the case, it is best to address these issues earlier on in the year.

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