Recent global trends point to the growing demand of students to have access on campus to convenience products and services. Business Enterprises at the University if Pretoria (BE at UP) was established to maximise these opportunities in the interest of the institution. You will find a bouquet of value-adding services and products at the university making sure that students’ needs and demands are satisfied within campus grounds.
First year students at Tuks will be faced with the question of where to buy text books. BE at UP launched a multidisciplinary bookshop at the Student Centre, called Bookmark, which stocks all the latest UP prescribed academic books and much of the recommended material. A diverse product mix of contemporary, relevant and general literature as well as stationery is also available at Bookmark.
The talk of the town has to be the new clothing store on the Hatfield campus, Wannabee, the official UP branded clothes supplier. With the re-launch of the two university brands, TUKS and UP, Wannabee clothing store provides a medium for displaying the various brands of the University of Pretoria on clothing and other merchandise. The Wannabee brand is developing in its own right and is truly a mascot for the University and a means of synergising the various university brands and this new enterprise within the same genus of affiliated brands for the institution. With a variety of other well-known brands such as Le Coq Sportif, Nike and Zoo York, the new Wannabee clothing store is the place to shop.
Throughout their student years at the University of Pretoria, whether on the Hatfield, Mamelodi, Groenkloof, Prinshof or Onderstepoort Campus, students are reminded that UP is a distinguished brand it own right.