The animated video for “Defy gravity” is quirky and unique. What made you decide to go the animated route?
The animated video for “Defy gravity” is quirky and unique. What made you decide to go the animated route?
We keep on meeting people [who are] animators and want to do music videos, so it’s never an intentional decision, they just kind of come to us. Ever since “Dragonflies and astronauts” and “I’ll be there” we’ve met animators who [wanted to help with our music videos].
The band will be releasing a new music video soon. Can you explain the concept behind the video?
As far as I know, it’s cowboys. We are shooting at the end of [August]. It’s out in the country and there will be horses.
Oppikoppi will kick off the second leg of the promotional tour for your new album, Antiques and Artefacts. What has your tour experience been like so far and what are your hopes for the rest of the tour?
The first bit of the tour went very [well]. We went to a lot of places we’d never actually been to. The next leg will be in small towns we haven’t been to. So far … it’s probably been our best SA tour in a long time. We’re [also] going to Europe, the UK and Dubai, [which is] exciting.
What can fans expect from the upcoming album?
We haven’t changed our sound that much, so it’s pretty much in the Parlotones’ vein. We didn’t stray too far from our roots.
Antiques and Artefacts is the first album you’ll be releasing without the help of a label. Has this proven to be particularly challenging?
It’s been different. We found with the last few albums that it’s been a real rush, we’d be on tour and [have to go] straight from tour into the studio, so we were never really happy with the final product, but for this one we had a bit more time to record and fine-tune [the album] so we can be happy with it. It’s been very successful; we’ve got singles on the radio and the public [is] responding to them well.
Photo: Charlotte Bastiaanse