Kristin De Decker
Election time fills the campus with electricity and passionate political displays. 22 August saw the final circus come to life at the piazza with vibrant speeches and promises, as SRC presidential candidates stated their mandates.
The candidates running for this position are David Kabwa, Mathias Shunmugam, Mpho Mehlomakulu and Mosheledi Mpye. Mpye, however, was absent from this event. Each candidate had five minutes to deliver their manifesto, they were then asked questions and given time to respond.
Shunmugam, backed by the ANCYL, opened the speeches and spoke about combatting “financial issues like historical debt, registration, tuition fees, book allowances, [and] mid-year evictions”. Moreover, he promised to ensure that “all activities represent the cultural, racial and social demographics of the university” and that plan of action policies have actual follow-through.
Kabwa, the current SRC President, spoke next about his desire to help students through servant leadership whether assisting in student evictions, being constantly available or functioning a confidant during times of adversity. He equally emphasised that with “one voice” students can unite and be heard by the institution.
Mehlomakul, a member of the EFF student command, spoke next and committed himself to focus on historical debt, registration fees, fundraising and sanitary pads. Additionally, he re-iterated everyone’s’ “right to academic success” and his plans for a 24-hour computer lab, suggesting he can bring valuable solutions as SRC President. Candidates were then asked a series of questions by students and attempted to appease and persuade the crowd with their answers to close off the final circus.
For more information on all the candidates, flip through the latest copy of PDBY. Make your mark. Vote before 19:00 tonight.