The University of Pretoria’s (UP) Advanced Surgical Procedures Wet Skills Laboratory is at the forefront of surgical training, offering a unique and comprehensive approach that sets it apart from other facilities. As the acting manager of the facility, Ms. Kirsten Regan shares her insights on how it contributes to real-world surgical education and application.
The facility is specifically designed for postgraduate training, focusing on surgical registrars and specialists. This focus, combined with the use of fresh, frozen cadaveric tissue, allows for a more realistic and immersive training experience. Unlike other labs, which may rely on embalmed (preserved) specimens or simulated environments, this lab provides an unparalleled level of realism that is essential for honing surgical skills.
The direct link to the National Tissue Bank (NTB) is vital in providing the lab with fresh cadaveric specimens and donors, which allows for more frequent and in-depth workshops. Ms Regan stressed the importance of the NTB’s whole body donor program and further elaborated that anyone can apply to be a donor. Additionally, the lab’s independence from company sponsorships gives it the freedom to work with a range of external clients and focus on training UP registrars and junior specialists. The large lab space also allows for hosting multiple workshops and training sessions.
The lab has hosted numerous successful workshops, including a recent ENT workshop in partnership with the Department of Otorhinolaryngology, which featured international specialists that gave training in advanced techniques. Other notable workshops include trauma training with the South African National Defence Force (SANDF) and the U.S. military, as well as sessions on aesthetic medicine, emergency medicine, and sports medicine.
The skills learned in the laboratory are crucial for real-world surgical success. This focused training allows clinicians to develop a deeper understanding of fine anatomy and builds confidence in their abilities. The lab also facilitates networking opportunities that foster academic and business relationships which can lead to research outputs and collaboration.
As Regan emphasised, “You will never have success unless you have put in the hours and practised and trained appropriately.” The Advanced Surgical Procedures Wet Skills Laboratory is revolutionising the way surgeons train and prepare for real-world challenges, offering an unparalleled level of realism and comprehensive training. If you would like to know more about the whole body donor program or the Skills Lab, you can email