Experience often plays a significant role in bringing to light the things people like and dislike. Figuring out what one likes and dislikes in terms of dating can be a similar process. Sometimes the basis of what people like, is not always experience or preference but a preconceived idea.
PDBY asked students about their dating preferences and what the basis of those preferences are. Additionally, they were asked whether they thought their preferences could be considered prejudice in some way.
Lonwabo Njenga
3rd year Bcom Marketing Management
“I do have a dating preference. Based on weight, height, age and race. When it comes to girls, I prefer girls who are my weight or bigger than me. I don’t care for height, race or age with girls, as long as they’re above 18.
With guys I prefer if they are taller than me, older than me and if they were not slim. With race I would prefer if they were not white just because of cultural and social issues that could arise and prove to be a huge problem in the relationship.
My preference on race could be seen as a prejudice to some, however my preference is based on experiences I’ve had with white guys, unfortunately it will also be seen as painting everyone with the same paintbrush.”
Cameron Frans
3rd year LLB
“Personally, I believe that my dating preference isn’t based on skin colour, hair colour, eye colour or body type. I believe my dating preference is based off your internal make up. The way you treat people, your kindness, your authenticity, your morals and beliefs and your willingness to help others.
I believe that I’ve structured my dating preference on the more important aspects of a person rather than their physical make up. I think what matters most and falls on my so called, “preference list,” would be the above mentioned qualities. Although I do tend to adopt the notion of going for the prettiest girl in the room and often end up dissatisfied because they aren’t anything like I imagined. Which leads me to believe that my dating preference could be a tad prejudicial as I tend to connect with people [based] off of their face value and about what I may have heard about that person. Judgmental I know, but that’s in my nature. So in closing, I believe firmly that it’s not who you fall in love with, it’s what you fall in love with. As long as you’re happy and treated with respect then the physical aspects of the other person are irrelevant.”
Tia Madzibane
3rd Year Bcom Marketing
“I don’t think I have a preference in terms of which race I’d choose to date but I do have preference in like the little details such as, do they have nice teeth and a great smile to go with it and how tall they are compared to me
I think my preferences can lead to prejudice because as much as we have our own opinions and likes, I think people can be heavily influenced by external factors such as their peers and their families in terms of what type of person to date.
I’d like to say it doesn’t but I think most of the time it does.”
Jayden Müller
3rd Year Bcom
“Yes I definitely do have a preference, I think it’s actually a good thing to have a preference as it shows that you’re sure about what you want and need in a future partner.
I think your preference is based on the way you were brought up, your morals, your culture, and the society in which you were brought up in. It’s important that your preference isn’t determined by what other people say you should or shouldn’t look for in a significant other. Dating and engaging with women with different views and perspectives is the reason that my preference would not be considered prejudice, I say this because I have had experiences dating women from different backgrounds to myself and through this I know what I want in a woman. Discovering what your preference is should not be based on societal norms of what you’ve been told is ‘beautiful’. It should also not be based on outdated ideologies and should be developed from your own discoveries that you’ve personally experienced with enlightened thinking.”
visual: Jonathan Oladeji
Features Journalist aspiring to obtain an international accounting accreditation. While slowly growing a personal blog detailing the journey of discovering oneself through the exploration of different ideas and topics. With hopes of traveling to every continent, getting published and achieving complete self-love.