I am an African
By Koketso Jan Ndlovu
I’m part of the long Nile River,
I’m endless but a quiver
Whom nail rocks and soil upriver
Then I lie on African land, mountains’ ancestor
We sweat chalk that scratch our faces,
Push rocks like beetle,
Break barks like Elephant’s tusks,
Ran for our lives like gazelle,
A soulful bird that sings anthems
My words lie on rims of calabash,
Bottom tastes like African drought lands
Corn and seeds melt like mass on quicksand
Outside, Cultures paint customs and history
Legends drank ripe vintage
If they ask about Africa, burnt it
I’m ember that flies on top of fire
A coal they mined and make wishes from
Mosaic of fire that looks like joint countries.
PDBY publishes poetry submitted by University of Pretoria students. Submissions can be sent to editor@pdby.co.za. All submissions can be read at pdby.co.za.
Poetry Corner features poems and writings submitted by UP students to PDBY. Submissions are not edited and do not reflect the views or positions of PDBY or its staff members. All submissions remain the responsibility of the respective authors.