Pistorius was acquitted of charges of illegal possession of ammunition and of one charge of illegal discharge of a firearm in a public place. He was found guilty on one charge of illegally firing a gun in public, for the time when he discharged a firearm in Tasha’s in Melrose Arch.
Masipa’s judgement has drawn criticism from legal experts and women’s activists, who feel that the judge was too lenient. By fetching a gun and shooting into a closed door, they argue, Pistorius demonstrated a pre-meditated intent to kill whoever was behind the door.
ANC Women’s League Gauteng spokesperson Jacqui Mofokeng has said that the judgement is “a little bit worrying”.
“As a mother, as everybody else, what does it say about our justice system?” said Mofokeng.
However, according to Daily Maverick’s Rebecca Davis, Willem Heath, former judge and Special Investigative Unit head, praised Masipa’s judgement and said that the prosecution did not do enough to prove that Pistorius committed premeditated murder.
Heath responded to suggestions that Masipa finding Pistorius not guilty for premeditated murder might harm South Africa’s justice system by saying that the judgement actually shows that South Africa practises justice.
On Friday afternoon, Masipa ruled to extend Pistorius’s bail.
He will be sentenced on 13 October.
Image: dailymaverick.co.za