Perdebate: 4 August 2014

by PDBY Staff | Aug 4, 2014 | News

“First years need guidance. HKs and seniors know more about varsity life and one can learn a lot from them. First years are going to feel lost because the Orientation Week will probably not be the same again and that’s how we make friends. The university should rather build more residences to increase the number of first years in residences.” – Odireleng Seabi, first-year political sciences student and Asterhof resident

 “Ridiculous. As a first-year, seniors are very helpful. It is also going to kill the experience that comes with the res traditions. The university should have done a survey to find out how students feel about the proposal.” – Brittany Edwards, first-year BEd student from Inca.

 “I am not against change, [but] since they hadn’t told us before the proposal, they should explain further. This is the little left of res traditions but they might as well do go ahead with the proposal since they [are] taking away everything.” – Prince Tsotetsi, third-year construction and management student from Boekenhout

 “First years won’t get the opportunity to know the res traditions. If we are separated, we will not have mentors and proper guidance. We literally have to adapt to everything by ourselves, which is a big step.” – Mfundo Nyathi, first-year actuarial science student from Olienhout

 “I think it is wrong because first-years come with the same childish mentality from high school and they need guidance from seniors who know varsity life.” – Thembelihle Nkosi, first-year BEd student from Lilium

 “A bombshell has been dropped on us. It is unfair on both first years and seniors. In Jasmyn, a lot of things will be affected, like the Jasmyn spirit, protocols etc. First years will not get that positive Jasmyn spirit that everyone should experience. Jasmyn is turning 50 next year and a lot of plans will be affected.” – Lynda Patimile, first-year BCom Law student and Jasmyn resident

 “It is unfair because it does not apply to all residences. Traditions like Ienk are what makes [res] fun so they cannot make such changes.” – Anke Paul, first-year speech therapy student from Asterhof

 “I do not agree with the proposal. First years need someone to look up to who can be like a ‘big-sis’ to them. First years might end up losing hope without guidance.” – Joni Rice, first-year BA Human Movement Sciences student and Jasmyn resident

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