Some contestants were more creative than others, with many ditching the traditional t-shirt and running shorts for vividly coloured tutus, face paint and even fairy wings. Animal-print tights, bunny ears and slightly discomforting clown masks also added colour and vibrancy to the event. Some participants even brought their dogs along to join in the fun.
Amid costumes being admired, pets being cooed at and selfies being taken, some running was also done and the wet roads proved a small challenge for the majority of the runners.
One of the evening’s highlights was, of course, the post-run mini music festival, which featured artists such as Beatenberg, Shortstraw, Chris Taylor and several 5FM DJs. Crowds showed up in their masses to watch the artists perform, making for a neon spectacle of note.
Those who missed this year’s event need not despair, as next year’s Neon Run will offer another chance to join the sea of bright bandanas. If running is not your thing, you can always convince a few friends to push you in a shopping trolley for the duration of the 5km route, as some participants did.