Overcoming obstacles with adventure racing

by PDBY Staff | Jan 25, 2016 | Sports

If you are currently involved in an intensive training programme that focuses on body weight strength and cardio abilities, then perhaps you should consider OCR competitively. The Warrior Race Black Ops category provides an 18 km route with 30 obstacles that you can overcome with a friend, or without assistance in the Elite category.

The Warrior Race also caters for athletes from different sporting codes who enter the race for different reasons. If you aren’t particularly keen on a couple of gruelling hours in the wilderness, perhaps the Commando or Rookie route is for you. The Commando category is usually a 10lkm route with 20 obstacles, while the Rookie category offers a 5 km route with 15 obstacles.

UP biokinetics honours student Jonah Young spoke to Perdeby about why the Warrior Race appeals to him personally as an adventure seeker. “Being able to be out in nature and experience it first-hand with my head and my hands appeals to my inherent being. This race really tests you and finishing it is a great sense of accomplishment,” he said.

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