LC easy target for thieves

by PDBY Staff | Mar 26, 2012 | News


Four arrests have been made on the LC de Villiers Sports Grounds over the past two weeks.

On 12 March, a thief stole a laptop and several other items from an open bus. The thief was unaware that undercover operational security officers had taken notice of him and were waiting for him at the entrance of the bus. They arrested him when he exited the bus. He received a suspended sentence of five years.

Another suspect was arrested for trespassing on LC de Villiers Sports Grounds. This suspect was not a student and was loitering around LC de Villiers Sports Grounds without an explanation. This person had been arrested on two previous occasions for the same offence.

The other two suspects were arrested on charges of possession of suspected stolen property and one of them was in possession of equipment used to break into vehicles.

Colin Fouché, Director of Security Services, said, “Prevention is always better than cure,” and urged students to show collective responsibility in safeguarding personal valuables.

Fouché said: “[S]tudents should lock up valuables in one vehicle of the participants and appoint somebody that they are acquainted with to look after the key [and] caretakers need to be formally appointed by administrators to safeguard valuables.” He added, “[S]tudents need to be alert for people who loiter with no specific reason.”

Rowan Watson, Manager of Investigations, urged students not to lock their valuables in their cars if the valuables are clearly visible. According to Watson, criminals will see this as an opportunity and will take advantage of the situation.

Watson explained that students often leave their car keys on the tyres of their vehicles, in takkies and bags when practicing their different sports disciplines. He explained that this is absolute negligence and an opportunity for criminals to steal a car without being noticed. Watson said, “Criminals are streetwise and are acquainted with the operations on the LC de Villiers Sports Grounds.” Therefore, it is important for students to be vigilant.

Photo: Eleanor Harding

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