Intervarsity news 25 August 2014

by PDBY Staff | Aug 25, 2014 | News

Brights said that an eyewitness saw the woman enter the building prior to the incident. The eyewitness said that she was purchasing airtime when she heard the sound of the woman falling.


University of Venda (Univen)
City Press has reported that four women have been killed at or near the university since the beginning of the year. Two of the women were raped before being killed. Three of the women were Univen students.

In July, the body of a member of the cleaning staff was found dead on the university’s premises and it was revealed that she had been raped and then beaten to death.

Univen SRC President Uhuru Mofokeng demanded that the head of safety at the institution be fired and that the university’s security company’s contract be terminated.


University of Fort Hare (UFH)
The annual intervarsity weekend between Rhodes University (RU) and UFH, which was scheduled to be held 16-17 August, was cancelled due to student protests at UFH.

UFH Vice-Chancellor Dr Tom Mvuyo said in a statement that the university had been experiencing “student unrest” for two weeks prior to the decision to cancel the event.

According to Oppidan Press, RU SRC President Bradley Bense told RU students that 200 students were striking on the UFH Alice campus over safety concerns. Bense that the students were escorted off campus by police.


University of Cape Town (UCT)
UCT’s Centre for African Studies commemorated the Marikana anniversary

by placing white wooden crosses on the side of the road going to the university’s upper campus.

The university held a week-long commemoration, which began with the screening of Miners Shot Down, Rehad Desai’s documentary of Marikana.

The week included discussions from political scientists. It was concluded with the first annual Marikana Memorial Lecture, which was delivered by Prof. Sakhela Buhlungu, the dean of Faculty of Humanities.


University of Witwatersrand (Wits)
Wits has accepted a proposal from the SRC not to increase the upfront fees required from students, Wits Vuvuzela reports.

Students will have to pay R9 350, the same amount as this year. Wits had previously announced that the fee would be increased to R10 270.

According to Wits Vuvuzela, general fees for international students will decrease by R38 996 for commerce, law and management and by R15 140 for humanities.

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