Intervarsity News

by PDBY Staff | Oct 13, 2021 | News

University of Cape Town (UCT)

83% of UCT’s senate have voted in favour of a policy that will make vaccines mandatory for the intuition’s students from
2022. The final decision as to whether to adopt the policy currently sits with the University’s council. 132 members of the
senate voted in favour of the policy, 32 voted against while 5 were abstentions. To date, Stellenbosch University (SU), and University of Johannesburg (UJ), have both considered mandatory vaccination policies, but no final
decision has been taken.

University of Johannesburg (UJ)

UJ recently acquired a highly advanced robot dog named SPOT that has the capacity to exhibit movements that mimic a real dog.
SPOT weighs approximately 35 kg, possesses four high tech cameras and can also respond to prompts and instructions. Built by Boston Dynamics in the United States of America, this robot marks a pioneering move into the field of artificial intelligence. SPOT’s movements allow it to navigate complex terrain with high throughput mobility.

University of Free State (UFS)

Two UFS students were killed in a robbery near the campus vicinity. The incident was said to have taken place around 00:40. The
students were attacked by robbers clad in balaclavas near their rental accommodation. A police docket has been opened to
investigate two murders, house robbery and two attempted murders. Two other students on the scene, who were in critical condition, were rushed to Mofumahadi Manapo Mopeli Regional Hospital.


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