Intervarsity News 13 October 2014

by PDBY Staff | Oct 13, 2014 | News

University of Witwatersrand (Wits)

The Wits School of Public Health and the University of North Carolina (UNC) in the United States are set to collaborate to improve HIV/ Aids research training in South Africa.

UNC received a R16 million grant from the Fogarty International Centre. Head of the Wits School of Public Health professor Laetitia Rispel told Wits Vuvuzela, “The Fogarty grant will enable the creation of a new implementation science training program at the Wits School of Public Health and will be the first of its kind in Sub-Saharan Africa.”

Trainees selected from diverse backgrounds including nursing, public health, medicine, pharmacy and dentistry will take part in a twelve course curriculum over three years culminating in a MPH or MSc in epidemiology.

The project’s principle investigator is UNC professor of infectious diseases Prof. Charles van der Horst. Prof. Van der Horst told Wits Vuvuzela, “By training young African scientists in methods on how to improve clinical programs in the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, we hope to build capacity and improve care.”

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