Al wat dit vat om by Oppikoppi te oorleef is ‘n tent, genoeg alkohol, die stamina van ‘n sewejarige en ongeveer 500 higiëniese wet wipes. Die eerste paar dinge wat in ‘n mens se gedagtes opduik wanneer jy aan Oppikoppi dink, is kuier, awesome musiek, losbandige gedrag en, natuurlik, hope stof. Hierdie jaar was Oppikoppi nie soseer anders nie, net groter. Ongeveer 16 000 getroue fans het hierdie jaar bos (toe) gegaan om hul gunstelingbands te sien. Billy Talent was heel waarskynlik ’n groot trekpleister, maar optredes deur bands soos Yesterday’s Pupil, Pestroy, Flash Republic, Zebra & Giraffe, Gang of Instrumentals en nog baie ander het weereens bewys dat local lekker is. Perdeby het met ‘n paar plaaslike bands oor dit, dat en die ander ding gesels.
What is the most precious thing that you have ever lost or had stolen from you at Oppikoppi?
Wat is die kosbaarste ding wat jy al by Oppikoppi verloor het of by jou gesteel is?
Chromium: Virginity and a car battery.
Pestroy: Virginity, wet wipes, toilet paper and our minds.
Yesterday’s Pupil: Die synth waarop ek Saterdag gespeel het, het geval en ek voel nog hartseer daaroor.
Flash Republic: Our drummer lost his jacket on Saturday and I [Tamara Dey] think it is his only one. [Koppi regulars know that it is freezing in the evenings.]
Zebra & Giraffe: Our souls. Don’t bring material things to Oppikoppi – they will get lost or stolen.
What is the craziest thing you have ever done at Oppikoppi?
Wat is die malste ding wat julle al by Oppikoppi gedoen het?
Chromium: Sniffed wasabi.
Yesterday’s Pupil: Saam met SHU het ons een jaar met oorskiet-boerewors die kamp afgespan. Ons het dit die “Prison of Strange” genoem.
Flash Republic: No comment.
7ft Soundsystem: [Sings David Guetta ft. Kid Cudy’s Memories.]
Zebra & Giraffe: Drank a bottle of Jack and survived.
What is your favourite part of Oppikoppi?
Wat is die beste deel van Oppikoppi?
Chromium: Playing, and partying before, during and after playing. Getting dirty and stinky without being judged. The bubble bath after Oppikoppi.
Yesterday’s Pupil: Die gehoor. As ‘n performer is dit altyd lekker as mense jou so goed receive.
Gang of Instrumentals: This is our first time, so we have yet to discover.
Flash Republic: The vibe and the energy of the people. Everyone from backstage to the audience taps into that same vibe – it is infectious.
7ft Soundsystem: What time does it close? It hasn’t ended yet so I can’t tell you. This is my favourite first time at Oppikoppi.
Zebra & Giraffe: Performing on stage.
Whose performance did you enjoy the most?
Wie se optrede het julle die meeste geniet?
Chromium: Billy Talent.
Gang of Instrumentals: Flash Republic and Voodoo Child.
7ft Soundsystem: Toice Vag [sic] [also known as Voice Tag] and Blk Jks.
Flash Republic: Haezer rocked my world. Also Billy Talent, New Holland, The Narrow and the Valiant Swart Tribute.
Zebra & Giraffe: Billy Talent, Jack Parow and the Wedding DJs.
What is the biggest influence on your music?
Wat is die grootste invloed op julle musiek?
Chromium: Getting a good guitar riff usually inspires a good song. Other than that: life, alcohol and other bands who are awesome.
Pestroy: We have metal favourites, drum and bass favourites and hip hop favourites. It all just sort of comes together. We make music for ourselves.
Yesterday’s Pupil: Aanvanklik dink jy dis ander musiek, maar ek besef meer en meer dis eintlik maar die lewe wat my beïnvloed. Die musiek wat ‘n mens opneem vang daardie tyd van jou lewe vas, soos ‘n audio diary.
Gang of Instrumentals: Good vibes.
Flash Republic: Life, people and relationships.
7ft Soundsystem: Reggae-dub music is probably the biggest influence.
Zebra & Giraffe: We were told we sound like Black Sabbath meets The Bee Gees. In all seriousness though, it is pretty diverse. We listen to a bunch of stuff from Muse to Mew. The new album is pretty much influenced by life experiences and mistakes.
Name one thing that should come with a money-back guarantee.
Noem een ding wat met ‘n geld-terug waarborg behoort te kom.
Chromium: Condoms, love and orange sherbet.
Pestroy: Alcohol.
Zebra & Giraffe: Relationships. You should be able to get the money back you paid to take someone out.
What would you rather be: a pirate, a ninja or an Elvis impersonator?
Wat sal julle eerder wil wees: ‘n seerower, ninja of Elvis nabootser?
Chromium: Ninjas and Pirates. It would be fun to stroke a girl’s breast with a sword [laughs]. We could start a ninja-core band – our music would be so fast and no-one would be able to see us.
Pestroy: If we could be ninjas, you would never see us. We could sit right next to Elvis and he wouldn’t even know it.
Yesterday’s Pupil: For real? Eerder ‘n ninja. Ek wil nie my tyd saam met ‘n klomp vuil ou ooms op ‘n boot spandeer nie en ek wil ook nie Elvis namaak nie.
Flash Republic: I’ll be a pirate, thanks! I’m sure the ninja slot has been taken.
Zebra & Giraffe: Ninja! I want to kill people. Pirate, aargh!
Who is your favourite superhero from your childhood?
Wie is jou gunsteling superheld uit jou kinderdae?
Chromium: Sonic the Hedgehog and Magneto. We like the villains, because they make us look good.
Pestroy: Batman and now Kick-Ass.
Yesterday’s Pupil: MacGyver. Ek het van die mullet gehou. Ek dink toe ek ses was het ek ‘n MacGyver-cut gehad. Daai tyd was dit cool.
Gang of Instrumentals: Rabobi [also known as Spiderman].
Flash Republic: Cheetara from Thundercats.
7ft Soundsystem: Nelson Man. He is 92 years old. I wish I could be Nelson Man.
Zebra & Giraffe: Rabobi, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, the Hulk and He-Man.
Who would you like to take on a date?
Wie sal julle graag wil uitneem vir ete?
Chromium: Avril Lavigne and Christina Scabbia from Lacuna Coil.
Pestroy: Batman. He has fancy cars, access to the best restaurants and the Bat Cave.
Yesterday’s Pupil: Iemand wat ‘n groot invloed op my gehad het, man of vrou, maar dit gaan nie ‘n man-date wees nie. Miskien iemand wat al dood is soos John Lennon of Shakespeare. Ek sal die rekening ook betaal.
Flash Republic: Jack White, and I would convince him to help me with a solo album.
7ft Soundsystem: This lady [Andrew Winer points to a picture of a naked lady stuck to his forehead].
Zebra & Giraffe: Kate Beckinsale [lead singer Greg Carlin strongly disagrees].
Who has Sexy Crooked Teeth?
Wie het Sexy Crooked Teeth?
Chromium: Madonna and the black guy from Agent Cody Banks [Keith David].
Pestroy: That guy from Twilight, Edward. And he sparkles!
Yesterday’s Pupil: Jack Parow, en Die Antwoord. Ek hou van crooked teeth solank as dit skoon is.
Gang of Instrumentals: No-one comes to mind.
Flash Republic: Jack Parow, but more crooked than sexy.
Zebra & Giraffe: That guy from Uruguay who hand-balled, Suarez. He’s not sexy but he has got mad chompers. Naas Botha, he’s sexy! [laughs]
Which local act should have been at Oppikoppi this year?
Watter plaaslike groep moes hierdie jaar by Oppikoppi gewees het?
Chromium: aKING, Agro, Allan John and Only Forever.
Pestroy: Fokofpolisiekar and 16 Stitch.
Yesterday’s Pupil: Boo!
Gang of Instrumentals: Cassette.
Flash Republic: Boo! I would love to collaborate with Chris Chameleon.
Zebra & Giraffe: Ashtray Electric.
Which international act do you want to see at Oppikoppi next year?
Watter internasionale groep wil julle graag volgende jaar by Oppikoppi sien?
Chromium: Slipknot, In Flames and Megadeth.
Pestroy: Rage Against the Machine.
Yesterday’s Pupil: Iets wat nie so in die pop-vein is nie – soos Radiohead, Nine Inch Nails of Sigur Rós. Ek wil hê mense moet voel asof hulle hul all-time favourite groep gesien het en nie net enige internasionale groep nie. Dit moet ‘n ervaring wees.
Gang of Instrumentals: Nickelback.
Flash Republic: The Preset (on the dance stage), and there are so many others.
7ft Soundsystem: Fat Freddy’s Drop and Roots Manuva together at the same time.
Zebra & Giraffe: Anyone, but the bands we want to see probably wouldn’t come to Oppikoppi, like the Arcade Fire, Kings of Leon and Death Cab for Cutie.
‘n Paar van die bekendes wou afsluit met gevleuelde woorde aan almal wat by Oppikoppi was en volgende jaar gaan wees. Hier volg die famous last words:
Chromium: Sort out the potholes…
Pestroy: Party till you die and do it again next year!
Yesterday’s Pupil: Drink baie water.
Flash Republic: Just go nuts, because everyone else is.
7 Ft Sound System: Let’s all get boobs for Women’s Day.
Gang of Instrumentals: Book a ticket and come through next year!
Zebra & Giraffe: Don’t stare at the sun unblinkingly.
Kyk uit vir Zebra & Giraffe se nuwe CD teen middel September en Flash Republic se “Killer Moves” wat teen Oktober beskikbaar behoort te wees.
* Die antwoorde weerspieël die algemene mening van al die groeplede en nie noodwendig dié van ‘n individu nie.