Centre for Human Rights calls for Maseko’s release

by PDBY Staff | Jul 28, 2014 | News

Maseko, who was working in Swaziland as a lawyer and human rights activist, was arrested in March after criticising Swaziland’s Chief Justice Michael Ramodibedi for issuing an arrest warrant for Bhantshana Gwebu, Swaziland’s chief vehicle inspector. It is alleged that Gwebu was arrested after issuing a ticket to a driver of a government vehicle who was transporting a judge without authorisation.

Maseko voiced his criticism in a piece entitled “Oh, Cry the Beloved Swaziland!” in the February edition of Nation, Swaziland’s only independent newspaper. The newspaper’s editor, Bheki Makhubu, was also arrested.

Maseko and Makhubu have been in detention since their arrest, and, according to a statement issued by the Centre for Human Rights, “Clearly, their prolonged detention – without the option of release on bail – violates the right to presumed innocence.”

The Centre for Human Rights also said that their conviction violated their right to freedom of expression, as set out by the constitution of Swaziland, and international human rights.

Maseko graduated with a master’s degree in human rights from UP in 2005.


Image: newsofthesouth.com

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