Tankiso Mothopeng
Well I am Tankiso Mothopeng, final year International Relations student. I am 20 years old and prefer to do nothing. Literally my biggest hobby is doing nothing. It’s a miracle how I’ve made it to my final year but I made it. But when I’m not doing nothing, I like to dive deep and head first into people’s business. I like news. I like being the center of information and distributing that information. I guess that why I wanted to be a news journalist.

Intervarsity News: 13/09/’21

Intervarsity news from issue 9 University of Cape Town The University of Cape Town (UCT) ranked as the top university in the country and on the continent in the Shanghai Ranking - Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), published on 15 August. The ARWU ranks...

Writings of forever

Writings of forever

South Africa has an impressive total of eleven official languages, which could increase to 12 if Parliament accepts a request to grant South African sign language official status. However, despite the numerous indigenous languages available in the country – such as Sesotho, IsiZulu and IsiXhosa, English remains the dominant language used in literature.

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