Bianke Neethling
Hi! I'm Bianke, a journalist who is passionate about people, the writing process, and anything and everything PDBY. I enjoy writing about interpersonal and societal issues: pointing out the noteworthy in the mundane.

Lesser-known student societies

UP offers an abundance of societies, clubs and organisations that students can be a part of. This wide range of options makes it is easy to become overwhelmed by choice, and also makes it easier for some societies to fly under the radar. PDBY has featured and...

The social side of university life

Entering university for the first time, while exciting, can be overwhelming. Aside from the increased academic pressure, the prospect of meeting new people and having to form new relationships, usually from scratch, also arises. Given 2020’s forced lack of...

Love in the Time of Corona

Love in the Time of Corona

COVID-19 has affected nearly every aspect of society, including relationships. The lockdown and social distancing guidelines have made starting and maintaining romantic relationships increasingly difficult, as physical contact had to be kept to a minimum to prevent...

Crowdfunding projects during COVID-19

Crowdfunding projects during COVID-19

The outbreak of the pandemic has had far-reaching and often devastating consequences for many, especially in terms of its financial impact. As lockdown regulations prohibited workers from either working their usual hours or being able to work at all, thereby...

PDBWhy: Refunding Tuition

PDBWhy: Refunding Tuition

The university recently announced that the decision has been made to continue and complete the first semester online, rather than resuming contact lectures. PDBY spoke to some students to hear their opinions on whether or not they believe, given this new form of...

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