A karaoke tune for every (drunken) mood

by PDBY Staff | Sep 21, 2011 | Entertainment


What would a drunken night be without doing something potentially embarrassing? Particularly if that activity is based on false confidence. Karaoke is definitely something that every party animal should tick off their bucket list. It’s not always easy choosing the appropriate song though – especially when your judgement isn’t quite as sound as it should be in the first place. Here at Perdeby we’ve taken it upon ourselves to come up with a foolproof karaoke song guide for every alcohol-induced situation you can think of.


The situation: You’re a few beers (and maybe some shooters) in, and you realise just how fantastic your friends are. This leads to an outpouring of affection on them (and just about every stranger in the bar really). Take it to the next level by expressing this “musically”.

The perfect song: “I’ll Be There For You” by The Rembrandts. Okay, this might seem like an obvious choice considering that it was the theme song for Friends back in the 90s. But that catchy melody makes it perfect for karaoke – not to mention the added bonus of the opportunity for hand clapping.

Caution: Although you probably know a lot of the words already, the actual song is longer than the one played in the opening sequence of Friends, so be aware that there are a few extra verses.

Iconic lyrics: “I’ll be there for you / When the rain starts to pour / I’ll be there for you / Like I’ve been there before.”


The situation: Ladies – whether you’re single or attached, there’s something empowering about celebrating your womanhood. While not all of us feel the need to burn bras or use the spelling “womyn”, there’s nothing quite like a good girls’ night out.

The perfect song:  “Single Ladies” by Beyoncé. Bonus points if you can do the accompanying dance.

Caution: It’s no secret that Beyoncé has one amazing set of pipes. Attempt this one only if you’re either naturally brave or have acquired some Dutch courage. Or if you just don’t care what people think.

Iconic lyrics: “If you liked it then you should have put a ring on it / Don’t be mad ‘cause you see that he want it.”


The situation: Music and musicals. Kind of an obvious link, huh? If you’re hitting up the karaoke bar you may as well do a Broadway number for kicks. Of course, the problem here is picking a song that everyone knows – non-Broadway geeks included.

The perfect song: “The Time Warp” by the cast of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.

Caution: Yet another song with an accompanying dance routine. While everyone knows this routine, please note that it is inadvisable to attempt to do it with a drink in your one hand and your BlackBerry in the other.

Iconic lyrics: “It’s just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right / With your hands on your hips, you bring your knees in tight / But it’s the pelvic thrust that really drives you insane.”


The situation: As the night winds down, sometimes the mood does too. Maybe a drunk dial gone wrong or an unfortunate roadside puking incident did it – and sometimes the best thing is to just go with the mood by belting out something suitably sappy.

The perfect song: “She Will Be Loved” by Maroon 5. An oldie, but a goodie. Alternatively, anything by Adele.

Caution: There’s a fine line between mild embarrassment and humiliation you’ll never be able to live down. So: getting a little teary-eyed and singing a bit out of tune is forgivable. But try not to go overboard by howling the lyrics between sobs. Not attractive.

Iconic lyrics: “I drove for miles and miles and wound up at your door / I’ve had you so many times but somehow I want more.”

Photo: Desré Barnard


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