There are certain things in this world you just expect. You expect BA students to be the people lying on the grass near the HB. You expect first years to mess up the Fego line and you expect campus to get quieter as the semester progresses.
Well, everything we expect doesn’t always happen. I, for one, expected there to be streakers at Varsity Cup matches. I have been very disappointed.
Every editor has a checklist of stories that they would love to cover. Burning buildings, angry strikers, disgraced celebrities – you name it. I would like to have a picture of a streaker. It is but one of my many dreams for this paper.
Streaking is that beautiful phenomenon where people get so excited (ahem) that they take off their clothes and run naked through a public space. Sport matches have been some of the favourite targets for streakers.
I have no idea what goes through a person’s mind before they decide to free themselves from societal conventions (like clothes) and run around in all their glory in front of strangers but, whatever it is, I’m not one to judge. In fact, I’m upset that there were streakers at last year’s Varsity Cup for our previous editor to write about, and that it now seems that streakers have decided to put on their gloves instead of throwing them down.
Treat your attire like a gauntlet. Throw it at the feet of security and dare them to catch you. I know security is tight but I’m sure that with the right mix of courage and alcohol some brave soul will stand back and say “Challenge accepted.”
Last week’s Varsity Cup attendance was better than the first home game. And they brought back the beer tent (yes, for those of you who missed it). Who knows? Maybe, with pavilions filled with students and students filled with beer, my wish might just come true at the next game.
After Varsity Cup, things got a bit hectic at Perdeby. Our interviews were last week and I’m confident in the new people we have appointed. I hope you all are excited – and know what you’re getting yourselves into. My only word of advice to future applicants, and this goes for any profession really, would be to get acquainted with the business or job that you are applying for before going to the interview. Calling Perdeby “Die Perdeby” for example is a faux pas you don’t want to make. And at least read the paper to know what we do. What I did like seeing a lot of though, were people who clearly knew what journalism was about (duh) and people who brought a bit of spunk to their interviews. Telling us that you can recite South Park, for example, is a good move.
Not only did I sit in on all the interviews this week, but my dear frenemy Murphy went out of his way to spend time with me. I’m drowning in all this work. How is your doggy paddle going?
If you feel you need a break from it all, then you’ve come to the right place. Get lost in our interview with Tailor on page 7 and tweet about our social media article on page 9. For those spectators at Varsity Cup who had beer goggles on, our match report is on page 11. All I have to say about that is: Maties – blegh.
Here’s to streakers
PS: Have you ever googled streakers? It’s quite entertaining. Especially when it’s late on a Thursday night and you realise you still have tons to do by Friday.