Minutes as received from the Constitutional Tribunal. PDBY has not edited or altered the minutes.
Questions and Answers for Questions with Notice
General Questions Pertaining to the SRC
Q1. Now coming to my question, what efforts have the SRC 2021 contributed to ensuring that bursary pay-outs are processed in a timely manner? Because as of right now we are fast approaching the second semester and there are students who still have not received their funding?
The SRC President stated that the SRC continues to approach finance department but has not been given a response as to when payouts are to be made. Further, she reiterated that the SRC ensures that no student is in a compromising position as the study finance office has been working on students in difficulty. The SRC President further noted that there are measures in place to ensure you aren’t starving, etc, and to not hesitate to contact SRC, as they have made provisions to ensure they assist you as such. The SRC President provided the caveat that you, as the student, need to apply for food, toiletries, sanitary products and provisions with regards to landlords kicking you out as there are still communications and such students are being spoken to about such issues.
Q2. The Constitution for Student Governance (CSG), Section 43 (2) d, stipulates that “Questions to the SRC on the SRC Plans of Action or to particular portfolios must be submitted in writing to the SRC Deputy Secretary at least 48 hours University of Pretoria Constitution for Student Governance (CSG) in advance of the particular Student Forum meeting”. Why has the 2021 Plan of Action not been released to students?
Q3. In such an absence of a POA, could the SRC comment on how the student body can accurately measure the level of work undertaken by each specific portfolio in the SRC without a POA benchmark to compare the quarterly reports to?
The SRC President replied by saying that section 22 of the CSG necessitates that the SRC receive approval before publication and that there has been no official approval of POA. She further noted that it is of concern and that the request to publish the POA has been issued.
The student who in the Student Forum made use of the alias “Ghostrider” offered the following comments. Firstly, they wanted to register concerns relating to the collection of information in this platform as no information is usually collected. Further, this information ought not to be used to victimise, and requested that the chat function of the meeting be made open.
The Presiding Officer, Chief Justice Tlowana, replied to this concern by stating that information will be stored in terms of legislation and that it is so that it can be consolidated.
“Ghostrider” once again offered the following comments verbatim: “How can you move forward without authorization. Dr Madiba, you need to provide them as this will be a problem with accountability. Insistence needs to be made with regards to getting such approval. (Tlowana CJ asked ‘Ghostrider’ to retract an earlier statement which was done). There was time to approach student and why wasn’t this done?”
The SRC President responded by stating that: “[Ghostrider] was right and it is urgent. We are pressing on it. There is no response to the answer because we are all working towards it.”
Res Task Team:
Q4. As per the report given by the residence task team, apart from Varsity Vibe and Res Publica, are there plans to negotiate with other private accommodations to allow students to apply for accommodation without paying an upfront fee?
Chané Williamson, Residence Representative Ex-officio (R1), stated that they have approached numerous private accommodations and were lucky to receive response from some, while they have also approached others and are awaiting a response.
Q5. In the aforementioned accommodation arrangement, where it was agreed upon those students would pay the deposit fee over a 3-month period, were there any students who failed to undertake this? Was the SRC able to assist in this regard?
Chané Williamson stated that a Google Form was released and that this information was used to approach accommodation, however there was no proper feedback from students.
Q6. There is mention that many of the cases being diverted to the Res Task team consisting of students wishing to move from non-accredited accommodation to accredited accommodation, could you elaborate on the legal ramifications behind how the office of the deputy president and the res task team are addressing this? (I.e., how is the issue of signed contracts being bypassed?)
Chané Williamson noted that this is a difficult and tricky question. Firstly, NSFAS released guidelines that non-accredited accommodation was not allowed. As a result, Chané and Wehan Viljoen, Residence Representative Ex-officio (R2), have not been part of that. Unfortunately, these issues with regards to accommodation is above their office in resolving as accreditation takes approximately 6 months.
The SRC Deputy President noted with respect to the legal matters that the law clinic is worked with and SRC deputy president is engaging them actively.
Q7. How exactly does the SRC undertake “Res Placements” in terms of prioritising urgency and the criteria used to assign or divert a student to a particular residence?
Chané Williamson explained that the SRC do not possess that authority as the Placement Office is forwarded details and they communicate with student directly.
Q8. Could you elaborate on the importance of why the SRC is encouraging student representation in private accommodations? Could you update the current status of Apartments on William, Festivals Edge and Fairmont in this regard?
Chané Williamson stated that representation is important because the SRC wants to see student leadership structures in each residence. The Apartments on William has a task team that communicates with management and provides feedback.
Hannah le Roux did communicate in terms of leadership structures. Festivals Edge and Fairmont have not been in communication with the SRC but they said they will be in contact in future.
Q9. Could you elaborate on what kind of fabricated evidence students were submitting to private accommodations?
Chané Williamson alerted the members present to the fact that they have not heard of this and cannot speak on it, although it was brought to the attention of the Res Task Team. A request was made to the floor to bring any information in this regard to the attention of the members present. “Ghostrider” requested that the chat be enabled. Further, the following comments were made:
“Private accommodation culture. Students need to be incorporated? Why not just let private accommodation to do as they want? Private accommodation can be exclusionary. Panel which accredits should include students because of know-how.”
Chané Williamson replied to Ghostrider by stating that there are efforts to establish leadership in private accommodation, as bringing leadership into specific accommodations means allowing inclusion from such accommodations. Further, with regards to tossing students into private accommodation, we will communicate with panel on this issue.
Kayla Thomas then inquired as to what basis was fabricated evidence incorporated into first quarter report?
Chané Williamson replied to Kayla Thomas through stating their confusion and asked an email be sent and work will be done from that point. The only recollection of this is that a student submitted it from last year but that was the only thing of which I can think.
SRC Academics Task team:
Q10. How did the SRC Academics task team negotiate for access to the UPstudent portal in instances where the said student was excluded or dismissed (what criteria and proof was needed?)
Stéfan Steenkamp, Academic Representatives Ex-officio (A2) noted that all Students had access but sometimes had technical issues for various reasons. In this regard, such students were assisted and emails were sent to respective faculties or senate. Unfortunately, some students were only granted access to portal after various considerations as the details are divulged in terms of procedures. Stéfan Steenkamp further noted that one document had incorrect information and that students could partially access information.
Q11. On what basis were academic exclusions outlined for 2021, considering that the SRC of 2020 had negotiated a plan of action to disallow academic exclusions for the 2021 year citing the adverse impacts of the pandemic year on students?
The SRC Deputy President stated that 2020 did negotiate, as did the SRC for 2021, in requesting a lenient process. However, no first years were excluded as they recall.
Q12. Could you elaborate on what the issues of concern were when “The Two Academic Representatives raised issues of concern that each faculty was facing to assist and uplift the students […]”?
Stéfan Steenkamp noted that communication and emails presented a major problem as communication was delayed from the side of the university. However, there were visits to the admin department, amongst others, to see if information could be gathered. In this regard, the SRC spoke to Prof. Duncan and various deputy deans.
Furthermore, the SRC specifically asked for more regular communication to students and as a result, students who could not register, did manage to do so. The Deputy SRC President further noted that portal queries with regards to appeals has been provided with assistance. Tlowana CJ then interrupted the further elaboration in maintaining the order of the Student Forum.
Once more, “Ghostrider” requested that chat be enabled and that the previous questions raised had not been answered. “Ghostrider then suggested that first years had been excluded and there was proof. Further, under normal circumstances, online tests present problems and then inquired as to why has nothing been done about backtracking to date.
The SRC Deputy President that first year appeals and information has been shared with the SRC and that they will follow up on the matter.
Stéfan Steenkamp stated that it is a valid question but there are both positive and negative aspects and that it allows for cheating which in turn questions the integrity of degrees. However, the SRC will follow up on the issue nevertheless.
SRC Financial task Team:
Q13. As mentioned in the first quarter report under the SRC Finance task Team, what exactly was the new criteria set out by the council regarding application for SRC study finance aid?
Melvin van Rooyen, Study Finance, expressed thanks to the task team and ask for them to fill in in case of interruption. Melvin van Rooyen stated that they have donated 50% of budget to study aid fund. Additionally, they had a household income that should not exceed 400k and asked for proof from students through applying with relevant documentation. With respect to undergraduates and honours, the main focus was to assist with registration fees and assisted as many as possible. The first set saw 200 applications, but there was a notable low number of successful applications so the criteria was reconsidered. This included the lowering of academic threshold to 40%, lifted the cap, and tried to assist students with a historical debt of 10% or lower. This in turn resulted in the removal of financial application criteria and students were advised to apply.
Q14. Who are the members that sit on the review committee that work through the applications?
Melvin van Rooyen stated that the SRC good representatives working with the Department of Student Affairs. Melvin confirmed that there are 5 members with a few members from the DSA included.
Q15. Could you elaborate on how many students were part of the list submitted to Prof. Carolina Koornhof (the list comprising of students who were to be financially excluded)
Melvin van Rooyen stated that they were 243 students and 200 were assisted.
Q16. Could the SRC comment on the impact of the historical debt change from 50% to 40% and the subsequent extension of the payment period? Can the SRC comment on the effectiveness of this?
Melvin van Rooyen stated that the SRC take a great stance that no student is left behind. The SRC has submitted to the finance department that they lower and remove the registration fee. The response was for the reduction of the historical debt percentage plus the registration fee over six months.
“Ghostrider” once again provided the following comments: “Study aid fund is exclusionary as students who were not previously registered. SRC previous debt so that stiff isn’t disclosed and had to be registered student to complete. Now money of societies will be used in study aid fund as Shaheen said, where is that? Students are registering in other institutes as they don’t have money. Such things need to be suspended. Portal aspect is not true.”
Melvin van Rooyen stated that no student had to be previously registered and that it was conducted through google form so it was available. The financial aid application has not been available to international students and the portal was available to students all round, and such students were assisted. Further, the study aid fund was in place to ensure debts are covered.
SRC social media task team:
Q17. In the SRC quarterly report, the social media task team says that “The task team engages with students on the social media platforms of the SRC to take note of their queries and concerns and assist as needed.” Does this include student journalists?
Thando Mthimkulu, Stuku Representative Ex-officio, stated that the SRC social media task team engages with everyone. However, they stated that they have to prioritise most pressing things firstly. In this regard, matters like accommodation, food, and time sensitive academic matters. There has been close to 400 urgent matters on social media platforms and we cannot divulge information prematurely as they have to liaise with on campus entities. Unfortunately, journalists in terms of stories, are closer to the bottom end of priority list.
Chanel Brown, Marketing, Media & Communications, stated that work is done through contacting the email address.
Q18. What is the SRC’s average response time when engaging with student journalists?
Chanel Brown stated that when working with journalists, minimum response time is 5 working days. Process information to provide relevant information but it is case by case.
Q19. How many media queries has the SRC responded to from PDBY?
Chanel Brown stated as many as possible as they do frequently receive from them. All of these media queries have been answered successfully.
Follow-up question:
Social media is important and crucial for communication. Some information was released but this information was not released. What steps have been taken to ensure all students can receive?
Chanel Brown indicated that they do try to send information out although the SRC are aware that there are many platforms and not all students have access. The SRC is currently looking into a ClickUP module for SRC so we can reach students.
Rethabile sought clarity on what steps are taken to ensure mass hysteria isn’t spread.
Chanel Brown stated that the SRC does consult and take 5 business days to ensure information is relevant
Portfolio specific questions based on campaign manifestos:
SRC President
Q20. In what way have students been able to meet with the SRC (virtually)?
This report is referenced to first quarter and we did meet with students virtually, on multiple occasions.
Q21. How many policy making workshops with students have been held this year?
None were held but plans are underway and will be in relevant coming report.
Q22. How has the SRC’s relationship been strengthened with external entities (programmes with corporate world to direct mentorships and bursaries)?
In 1st quarter this was not prioritised. COVID and other collaborations will be taken care of in 2nd quarter onwards. Currently in communication with 3 private entities. One will give opportunity to a few students, internships, etc. 4 young women from EMS faculty who are already employed as a result of this. 2nd one Currently in conversation with entity and this has to do with safety around Hatfield. Third one cannot be divulged but this entity assists who are differently abled in mentorship, bursaries, etc.
Q23. What sensitivity training have SRC members had for sexuality and gender?
In 1st quarter, registration period but in conversation with Centre for gender, sexuality and aids to receive training. Only 4 so far but working on the rest.
Ghostrider commented the following: “Can they attend to training ASAP as this issue is rife in UP. Cases haven’t been attended to.”
President: I agree with [Ghostrider]. It is important. Second point, we are taking care of it and it a priority.
Jozias Mahube-Reinecke, Treasurer stated that it isn’t directed at president and that a precedent to go backwards has been set. They then asked that this be afforded to students who were not afforded opportunity to ask questions.
Tlowana CJ stated unequivocally that there was no such precedent and that this was to allow for the answering of mandated questions.
Phenyo asked if they may direct the question to the Vice President (Deputy President) to which Tlowana CJ agreed.
Phenyo asked the following: “Your campaign proposal with regards to the issue of food prices raising. Currently prices are rising and our allowances are running out. Are you approaching competition commission to see to that? What progress can you offer.”
Tlowana CJ noted that this was a question without notice and shall be reserved for the end in the student forum.
SRC Secretary
Q24. When will the #Your Voice our Voice campaign begin?
Jaco Van Jaarsveld, Secretary General, stated that it was merely a slogan and never intended to be anything more. There will be no such campaign.
Q25. When will the SRC ClickUP page start being used by the SRC as a way to communicate with students?
Jaco Van Jaarsveld stated that it is a mutual one with Chanel Brown. DSA and innovation and education were not in favour of it as it is an academic aspect, but it was not opposed. There has been little success however, they are willing to do announcements on the SRC’s behalf. However, the SRC are here to learn and see what is needed as it is an ongoing process.
Q26. When will the update newspaper that is meant to be sent to students via email on a monthly basis be initiated?
Jaco van Jaarsveld reiterated that they are here to learn and is hasn’t been implemented and it might have slipped my mind and we will be working towards it.
Ghostrider providing the following question(s) as a follow-up: “We are trying is not enough. Why haven’t you taken a stance. Why not allocate own budget. Why can you not be proactive and being lazy. Why don’t you do your own thing?”
Jaco Van Jaarsveld stated that the SRC are using our webpage but ClickUP is better known and we will work towards this.
SRC Treasurer
Q27. What steps have been taken to start the crowdfunding account aimed at alumni, businesses and the municipality?
Jozias Mahube-Reinecke stated that 5 crowdfunding platforms have been approached but are awaiting confirmation to see if we may be put down as a nonprofit organisation despite the fact that there is no non-profit organisation number.
Q28. When will the crowdfunding account start operating?
Jozias Mahube-Reinecke replied in the second quarter hopefully.
Q29. In what way have students been involved in financial decision making and fundraising?
Jozias Mahube-Reinecke stated that students have not been involved and I take full responsibility. There is a form wherein students can share their input.
Ghostrider posed a question: “Since residence get money from treasury, why are private accommodation not incorporated in terms of funding, even though they aren’t accredited?”
Jozias Mahube-Reinecke indicated that Chané Williamson or Wehan Viljoen would be better equipped. Tlowana CJ confirmed that they may answer.
Chané Williamson expressed that the Treasurer may have answered, but still clarified that each residence needs to fundraise and a donation fund for private accommodation is in the works.
Ghostrider interjects out of turn but it is interrupted by Tlowana CJ
Student/Study Finance
Q30. In what way has the office been able to increase awareness of financial contact places?
Wehan Viljoen stated that their contact details are available. The SRC has started to make sure that they do contact the institution and that there are various applications. The SRC is working on lists for academic programs and bursaries which is a compiled list available to students.
Q31. How have you been able to “fortify the bridges of communication at the university, give students access channels and platforms where their voices will be heard”?
Wehan Viljoen indicated that nothing has been limited to campus but it has been a big task of SRC to remain in contact with all campuses in communication. Within their portfolio, they have ensured they are in contact with all finance offices as no student gets left behind.
Q32. How much has been set aside to help solve students’ need for financial advisers?
Wehan Viljoen indicated that they do not clearly understand this question. Tlowana CJ noted that as no clarity may be provided, the student forum will proceed without providing an answer to this specific question.
Q33. What solutions have been built with regard to concerns of financial holds, financial arrangements and registrations?
Wehan Viljoen indicated that with the restrictions on contact, there has been a high influx of contact. What the SRC has done is compile list to take to financial office and directly address this to ensure these students are assisted.
Ghostrider posed a follow-up question: “How was much allocated to study aid fund from society deficit?”
Wehan Viljoen stated that they are unable to speak on behalf of the 2020 office. Rather, this is the personal view of Wehan Viljoen in terms of reviewing effectiveness. Changes and proposals as such take time and the SRC continue to do our best. We might be put in a position to leave students behind if we relieve students with large financial amounts, therefore we have helped smaller historical debt. The SRC follow process in this regard and these ways are limited and the SRC move to external platforms.
Transformation and Student Success
Q34. How has the #Save The Semester initiative been further developed?
Thuto Mashila, Transformation and Student Success, stated that it is an online
initiative. The SRC will provide something for them something relating to
assistance during exams. Counselling unit, etc.
Q35. What has been done to shorten wait times for appointments at the UPCounselling Unit?
Thuto Mashila indicated that the SRC have moved sessions online and emailing system used such as SADAG and peer to peer support group. As students wait, they can get relief in this way.
Q36. How have res policies been transformed to help struggling students academically?
Thuto Mashila indicated that they are currently in talks with Chané Williamson to adjust policy so that those who are disadvantaged are not discriminated against.
Q37. How have self-defense classes been implemented?
Due to covid, this cannot be done given that Hatfield is a hotspot. It is on hold currently.
Q38. How has the office distributed pepper sprays?
Thuto Mashila indicated that the initial plan was to hand out during classes but due to that postponement, we cannot but we will be doing it soon. TUKSRES does have self-defense classes and the SRC will work towards private accommodation so we can distribute pepper sprays etc.
Q39. How has the office worked to overhaul res culture?
Thuto Mashila noted that it is problematic as it isn’t inclusive. It is an initiative which requires a lot of work as Residence culture needs to include all.
Megaw asked the following question: “In an online environment, counselling is online, but students are battling with such a situation, is there no way physical sessions can be held?”
Thuto Mashila noted that consults have been held and there are some emergency cases where they are allowed to come on but they have to email.
Kayla inquired as to how self-defense manifestos were presented during pandemic
Thuto Mashila indicated that they hoped that by now it subsided. Now that the SRC has to find other means, they will take other measures to see that we do it.
Discussions need to be held with private res and other accommodations to ensure we accommodate these classes.
Ghostrider: What measures will be taken to ensure “inaudible……”
Thuto Mashila stated that they do not want to be accused of spreading covid. The SRC will work with house coms and they collect regulations and what they each want. It will not be progressive to go ahead without that.
Facilities, Safety and Security
Q40. How far is the office in removing the biometric system?
Njabulo Sibeko, Facilities, Safety and Security noted that they have progressed as such system isn’t realistic in covid.
Q41. What channels have been created for easier reporting?
Njabulo Sibeko noted that RAG has spearheaded GBV email and that this is fitting as it is better for a woman to deal with these issues. The Department of Student Services is toll free so students can call for help.
Q42. When will computers be available on campus 24/7?
Njabulo Sibeko stated that the goal was 24-hour basis but covid has hampered that. The present likelihood is minimal as students still not permitting this. The SRC are going to engage with relevant parties to see to it that measures are put in place to address this.
Q43. In which residences have communal kitchens been introduced?
Njabulo Sibeko stated that it is yet to take place and subject to authorization to POA. Still unsure as to when it will begin.
Q44. How has the office ensured that more female staff is visible at main access points?
Njabulo Sibeko recently drafted a request, but is fully aware of urgency. There are difficulties such as backlogs which make the process tedious. Nevertheless, the goal is to realise this change by the end of July.
Q45. In what ways has the office ensured that students feel safe on and off campus?
Njabulo Sibeko stated that the SRC are currently undertaking panic buttons in and around campus. The envisaged time is not finalized but such a project has to be attended to meticulously. The SRC will undertake this soon but cannot do so before student engagement. This happens in sync with implementation of project.
This is important as students hold laptops. CID is not as effective as they should be but we are working on it. Res offices will be consulted to protect vulnerable areas. The SRC will provide students with pepper sprays.
Q46. How has the office increased the number of security guards at university residences?
Njabulo Sibeko stated that they had previously touched on it and in proposal we seek to draw up red crosses with areas without policing. Following which, more policing will try and be afforded there. Accordingly, security services will be distributed to say outskirts of Hatfield.
Q47. In what way has the office ensured that buses travel to external campuses more frequently?
Njabulo Sibeko stated that they have consulted with various offices with regards to buses and have shown fruition at Groenkloof and Onderstepoort. Amendments will follow accordingly.
Q48. How has the office worked to ensure the establishment of green routes on all campuses?
Njabulo Sibeko stated that students are urged to contact management Centre to arrange for escorts.
Q49. How has the office made campuses more accessible for students with disabilities?
Njabulo Sibeko provided that the Department of Student Affairs has been contacted and architectural structures are being assessed.
Phenyo inquired as to when the policing initiative will be implemented?
Njabulo Sibeko stated that it only recently came to light. It is not developed yet and can’t take it to police yet. No set date can be provided but we will have to find a fitting tome to engage with students.
Zikalala posed the following concern: “The issue of computers. Library has been closed since we got back and why is it only being addressed now?”
Njabulo Sibeko reiterated that the university has been through a lot with covid. University was in position to lock their gates a lot. Conversations are happening but has been lagged. Director of facilities was adamantly opposed as it would harm students. Outbreaks are responsible for this lag.
Postgraduate and International Student Affairs
Q50. Since the SRC member responsible for this was not at the debates, please provide projects and initiatives that this office is currently working on as well as the goals and by when you hope to achieve them?
Thando Dhlamini replied by stating that they have approached a few companies for sponsorships and DSA proposals and that they are working on it. Following which, postgrads are in POA, the SRC do have goodie bag initiatives in June, July and Oct. They will be hosting quarterly post grad forum. The Department of Research and Innovation will be included in the forum on 15 June. There will be a space for postgrads to relax and unwind in July and October. Conversations with residence and academic representatives so that we can develop such criterion. Beginning of year, research and innovation were approached as 150 students were given money for registration. Next month campus tour for postgrads and braai day.
Phenyo inquired as to what are you (the SRC) doing to assist with data?
Thando Dhlamini stated that they cannot assist should they not have MTN etc. Swaziland, e.g., was not aware of such university initiatives. So many countries in the world which we cannot reach unfortunately.
Day students and external campus affairs
Q51. In what ways has the office made provision of resources on Hatfield campus across external campuses?
Nothando Ngubeni stated that the initial plan was to provide more pcs and busses, etc. To ensure easy movement, due to covid, the SRC are worried about initiatives that will satisfy current needs.
Q52. What “open line of communication” has been created between day students and the SRC?
Nothando Ngubeni stated that they are working towards establishing a day house sub council to see to concerns. The SRC wants to reach as many day students as possible.
Q53. What efforts have been made towards the eradication of membership fees for students who come from poor backgrounds?
Nothando Ngubeni stated that 60% of my budget is going towards day houses. The SRC will take it one step at a time.
Q54. How much increase in funding for students in day houses has the SRC been able to provide?
Nothando Ngubeni reiterated that 60% of the budget has been allocated to day houses.
Phenyo posed this question as a follow-up: 60% of the budget, why is he whole amount not disclosed?
Nothando Ngubeni stated that they are still having discussions but afterwards we will make an announcement.
Q55. Since the SRC member responsible for this portfolio was not at the debates, please provide projects and initiatives that this office is currently working on as well as the goals and by when you hope to achieve them?
Hannah le Roux provided that the main project is to digitise portfolio, so society registration is completely online. The platform was developed by student society. The deadline has been extended and the platform is up and running and the current goal is to get the university to adopt platform. Particularly in terms of maintenance. The SRC are using a safe server. Portfolio specific agenda which is to be part of is something to do with mental health. Next month or two on my own personal account.
Ghostrider asked the following: “How much money was allocated to societies in 2021. Who did you consult?”
Hannah le Roux reiterated that they cannot speak to 2020 funds but currently for 2021 there has not been an allocation for funding due to registration. According to legislation, an SRC resolution, the only provision is that the removal of the register being handed in physically was done away with. Nothing unconstitutional about it from my reading. Amendment has been made nevertheless.
Marketing, media and communications
Q56. Since the SRC member responsible for this portfolio was not at the debates, please provide projects and initiatives that this office is currently working on as well as the goals and by when you hope to achieve them?
Chanel Brown stated that they have adapted plans multiple times as covid is still with us. They are currently drafting documents and looking into fundraising initiatives. Motivational Mondays were created which created lasting relationships and which are important to them. Letters of appreciation are also being drafted
Question and Answer session (Questions without notice)
Tlowana CJ stated that only two questions without notice will be taken at 21h38. Tlowana CJ noted one previously and additionally recognised one from Jameo Calvert.
Question 1
Phenyo: SRC VP – The reason is because from the structures I am part of, I didn’t not get any link.
Tlowana CJ addresses this and notes that it was to be addressed to secretary and allows to proceed.
Phenyo: 2020 elections, campaigning in hillcrest and food pricing. It has been a problem, what have you done to address that?
SRC VP: With this matter, Chane has a meeting with me and prices have decreased. As I am aware, res officers have been trained well to address how to manage meal allowances well.
Question 2:
Jameo: This is a point of procedure. This is now exclusionary.
Ghostrider speaks out of turn and Tlowana CJ elects to proceed. She further noted that there is no set time frame and that relevant factors such as data will be looked at going forward. Additionally, Tlowana CJ indicated that students are welcome to approach the Tribunal in this regard.
— end —