Spoken Sessions is a space for performers. It aims to grow a supportive community of artists and creatives, specifically for those involved in spoken word and performance poetry.
For a few years, Spoken Sessions consistently hosted an open mic night at Bravo Pizzeria on the last Thursday of every month. But as was the case with many consistencies, when COVID-19 hit South Africa, Spoken Sessions’ open mic night came to a halt. Spoken Sessions hosted a few virtual open mic nights throughout 2020 and refused to let the pandemic dampen its spirits. But there is nothing quite like watching a live performance while eating freshly made pizza.
Luckily, both Bravo Pizzeria and Spoken Sessions emerged from 2020 victoriously and on 25 March, Spoken Sessions hosted an open mic night at the pizzeria for the first time since March 2020. While Spoken Sessions is mainly centred around spoken word and performance poetry, open mic night is open to all creatives who would like to perform. This basically means that if you can perform it on stage, you can perform it at open mic night. The evening was filled with poetry performances, but it also included some musical performances.
It took a moment for everyone to find the courage to walk up on to the stage and speak but as the night progressed, there was rarely a moment where a passionate creative was not standing behind the microphone. The space is overwhelmingly positive, supportive and is an excellent way for budding new artists to get their work out there. COVID-19 protocols were adhered to and the evening was an all-around success.
If you are a performer, this is a platform you should check out. Even if you are not a performer, Spoken Sessions’ open mic night is a lovely way to spend a Thursday evening and is worth adding to your calendar.
Some things to remember for next time:
Bravo Pizzeria does not serve alcohol, but you can bring your own into the restaurant.
It is best to check out the Spoken Sessions social media accounts to stay on top of what is happening and to take note of important performance-related information. Follow them on Instragram @spokensessionsza or like their facebook page ‘Spoken sessions’ to stay updated on events.