2020 Student Training Programme with Pragma

by Jade Dave-Midlane | Feb 16, 2020 | News

Jade Davé-Midlane

Pragma, an enterprise asset management engineering company, will be hosting its Student Training Programme from 22 June until 10 July 2020, according to its press release.

Stéphan Pieterse, Pragma’s Chief People Officer, says, “The three-week programme is specifically aimed at B.Eng. or B.Sc. Eng. (Industrial, Mechanical, Electrical, Electrical and Computer or Mechatronic) students in their third or fourth year of studies.” The Student Training Programme has won many industry awards since its inception in 2011, including winning first place at the 2019 Skills Development Summit as Best Graduate Training Programme.

The theme of the programme, according to Darius Booyens, Associate Consultant at Pragma, will be “Data Science | Futureproof your career”. Booyens explains the reasoning behind this theme by saying, “Data Science is a regular topic within Pragma. It goes hand in hand with connected tech – another big drive within Pragma.”

He further elaborates on the fact that he believes that data science will become a necessary skill in the future because of increased use of technology in the physical asset management space. Booyens says, “Data science and machine learning will help us become better at our jobs so that we can be more efficient to keep up with market demands.”

The programme will be accepting ten university students into the programme and applications are open from 1 March to 31 March 2020. Pieterse explains the selection process by saying, “We look at practical skills and knowledge, soft skills (presentation skills), and personality tests.” Pieterse explains that this process allows Pragma to identify talented individuals from a multitude of universities.

He further goes on to say that many of these individuals then go on to work for Pragma. Since

the induction of their first group of students into the programme in 2011, at least one of the Student Training Programme Alumni students from each year have been or are employed by Pragma. Students who are interested in applying for this opportunity can do so on Pragma’s website at www.pragmaworld.net.


Image: Provided

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