The SRC member of Residences at Tuks, Elsje Blignaut, recently sent out a survey for Tuks students who live in residences to determine just what issues need to be addressed. Forty students from each residence, ten students from each year (First, Second and Third year) and ten HK (House Committee) members, took part in the survey. The survey gives an accurate indication about what the students like and dislike about their life in res. Prof. Roelf Visser shared that he is still waiting for the final issues from Blignaut which will then be addressed and given their full attention, in order to make a difference to the best of their capabilities. Blignaut says she firmly believes that the Surveys appear to be the solution survey will be a great way of addressing the faults because now she has concrete proof from all the statements to show to the head office. Blignaut also indicated that the following issues were found within the res system: “The dining halls were a major issue and many students found no improvement from last years system.” Blignaut explained that these issues have been brought to the attention of prof. Visser and that they will be attended to as soon as possible. Blignaut says that Visser has also announced that the additional R1.50 that was recently added to the dining hall prices for the polystyrene plates, will now be deducted again and students wont have to pay for their plates anymore. Cornelia Pieterse, HK member of Asterhof feels that the students appreciates the work the SRC does but with the dining hall prices that have gone up again she asked, “what is the point of having a voice if no one listens to it?” Other issues that surfaced from the surveys were the many problems experienced in the IT labs of each residence. Building facilities is also an issue, particularly the lifts in all of the residences. “The IT specialists will be made aware of the problems experienced with computers. As for the lifts, funds have already been made available for extensive repair work next year,” says Blignaut. Blignaut feels another way of attending to all of the issues found in residences is the Department of Residential Affairs’ focus on improving the staff who works at residences, as this will dramatically improve residential life for the students. “Students were predominantly happy about the people in charge of their residences like the HK’s and the heads of residences. Also the traditions they experience at res like culture, sport and general residential life were praised by many of the students who participated in the survey.” Also Jan-Harm Schutte, Vicechairperson from Boekenhout feels that these surveys are not too accurate as many people do not read most of the questions asked and tend to lie when answering. Issues around race and racism according to Schutte should be given more attention which were not addressed in the survey.