
by PDBY Staff | Apr 21, 2015 | Entertainment


Meyer’s inspiration for the novel came from a documentary about the boom in the wine industry in the eastern world called Red Obsessions, and an article by Fortune magazine about the role of the internet in infidelity. The novel raises some interesting points on the nature of both of these concepts as they apply to South Africa, giving the reader some things to consider in the way South Africans feel and act towards these global phenomena.


Meyer’s use of colloquial Afrikaans creates a sense of reality that few other Afrikaans writers can successfully portray. He is also skilled at forging a sense of character for each of the main characters that the reader can easily associate with. The novel includes a deeper look into the politics and struggles of the SAPS.


The novel was released in Afrikaans at the end of March, with the English version expected to be released at the end of September this year. However, the Afrikaans version is easy to read even for second language speakers. Intriguing, original and at times funny, Ikarus is a must read for crime novel fans.


Image: HumanRousseau.com

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