Stranger Things is a popular Netflix series following the lives of Eleven, Mike, and the gang as they navigate the supernatural world, trying to make sense of several inexplicable occurrences. The show includes classic elements of sci-fi genres, including a parallel dimension, coined the Upside-Down, and horrifying monsters known as Demogorgons. The series is praised for its fun, adventurous storyline and oh-so-delicious staple food: eggo waffles. With a diet consisting of 90% waffles, the gang is fuelled up for intense duels with the Demogorgons, this breakfast staple is sure to get you ready to ace those semester tests! These copycat eggo waffles are super yummy, light, and 100% Demogorgon-free (hopefully).
- 3 room-temperature eggs
- ½ cup of sour cream (Greek yoghurt works too)
- ¼ cup of granulated sugar
- ¼ cup of melted butter
- 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract
- ¾ cup of all-purpose flour
- ½ teaspoon of baking powder
Preheat a waffle machine while getting the batter ready.
Whisk up the eggs, sour cream, sugar, butter, and vanilla extract in a large bowl.
In a smaller bowl, thoroughly mix the flour and baking powder. Pour in the wet ingredients and stir until combined (do not overmix).
Cook the waffles as per the directions on the waffle iron.
The batter is also great for a pancake shape, so fear not if there is no waffle iron! Add a pat of butter to a pan and ladle in the batter, cooking it for 3 minutes on each side.
Add some syrup and enjoy!
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