Katherine Weber
My name is Katherine Weber and I am currently a 2nd year BA student majoring in English and History. I enjoy writing short stories and drawing. I want to work in publishing one day because I love reading all types of books.
The Alphabet Mafia is taking over Sci-Fi!

The Alphabet Mafia is taking over Sci-Fi!

From aliens to battle spaceships and intergalactic wars, the world of sci-fi is bound only by the imagination of its creators. According to an article by Amanda Pagan on the New York Public Library’s website, science fiction uses scientific fact and theory for the...

Pilates and Yoga: A Man’s Sport

Pilates and Yoga: A Man’s Sport

Popularised by Hollywood celebrities and Facebook moms, pilates and yoga bear a convoluted public image. Some people think they are both way too difficult to get into and others think it would be pointless getting involved in these forms of exercise. Reasons being ...

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