Danielle Yeatman
The Bookworm’s Corner Animal Farm

The Bookworm’s Corner Animal Farm

The art of creating a literary piece, whether it be a novel, book, play, or poem, is no easy feat. To create a literary work that finds its place among the classics, resonating with individuals throughout decades of change, is the dream of those who put their thoughts...

Recipe for Success: Barack O’ Broccoli

Recipe for Success: Barack O’ Broccoli

Most students assumed that growing up would come with all those adult perks yearned for over the years. No more bedtimes, the freedom of going anywhere at any time, and no one nagging you to eat your vegetables. Well, like with most aspects of the adult world, get...

Lentedag: Loading…

Lentedag: Loading…

Semester two is serious business. After their time of relaxation, students return once more to find their educational groove in the lecture halls of the University of Pretoria. The sun begins to appear again after the cold exam season, and chilly mornings and warmer...

The Doctor Will See You Now: Cannabis

The Doctor Will See You Now: Cannabis

Johnny heads to the cafeteria for dinner, his thumb and forefinger nervously playing with his poly-cotton overalls as he waits for his questionable meal. After 21 years of living, he knows that orange does not suit his complexion. He finds a seat at a table with men...

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