Chrizaan Pretorius
SEMLI leading athlete research trial

SEMLI leading athlete research trial

The University of Pretoria’s Sport, Exercise, Medicine and Lifestyle Institute (SEMLI) was started in June 2015, by its director Martin Schwellnus. Its evolution since then directly translates its endeavours into ultimate success for each athlete they encounter. As a...

SEMLI leading athlete research trial

TuksRugby world class coaches for 2021

TuksRugby and the season of 2021 looks very promising. Nico Luus (TuksRugby head coach) recently announced that John Mcfarland and John Laffnie de Jager will be joining their coaching team. This news did not only excite TuksRugby and their future prospectives, but...

SEMLI leading athlete research trial

TuksNetball reaching for higher goals

  CHRIZAAN PRETORIUS As many sports experienced negative residues from COVID-19, TuksNetball used this time to reach for higher goals. PDBY spoke to Jenny van Dyk, the first team’s head coach. Van Dyk told PDBY that the lockdown taught the netball players, who...

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