After 85 years of printing, PDBY is still going strong as one of the oldest and largest student run newspapers in South Africa. As a publication we continually strive to write the truth and produce trustworthy and professional content that rivals some of the bigger newspapers in the country. Through the Fees Must Fall protest, to the COVID-19 pandemic, these are just some of the challenges we had to face over the years.
As a student run publication, the paper solely relies on the work produced by its student staff. Our journalists write for all sections of the paper, namely, news, features, entertainment, and sport. Our copy editors make sure that our content is up to standard and follows the rules of the Press Code to the letter. Our Layout department spends days creating the paper you are holding, and our multimedia team constantly work to take beautiful photos and create incredible drawings. We love what we do here, and always build our editions with the utmost care.
But, the best part of the paper is that we do not expect experts in every department. As a student publication, we are in the unique position to teach the people that work for us. We help journalists find their voices, we give our multimedia team the best equipment for them to learn with, and we teach our layout team how to use InDesign and create beautiful final pages.
So, if you are interested in joining our team, please feel free to fill out the application, or reach out to us through our social media pages. Everyone is welcome.
My name is Katherine Weber and I am currently a 2nd year BA student majoring in English and History. I enjoy writing short stories and drawing. I want to work in publishing one day because I love reading all types of books.