6 May – Spirit fingers

by PDBY Staff | May 12, 2013 | Uncategorized


It all started on Wednesday when a close friend of mine, Max Twaddle, sent me a link to a YouTube video of an a cappella group in America. They sang a medley of Disney songs that took me right back to my childhood. Music has a way of doing that.

Watching a cappella YouTube videos or Spirit fingers movies always makes me wish I could join something similar and sing and dance.

Form a group with an amazing bunch of people, practise like crazy to enter a competition, fail in the first round, miraculously make it through after you’ve accepted your loss and then go on to win the competition. You know, one of those typical musical movie plots.

Pitch Perfect, Stomp the Yard and the numerous Step Up movies all conform to this plot in one way or another. Even Bring It On. Do you remember Bring It On? Talk about a
very popular movie in our day that no one ever saw on the big screen.

It’s strange to think how influential movies are – or even how influential songs can be. Speaking of which, we have a great article on page 7 that explains why we fall in and out of love with certain songs and listen to them hundreds of times until we can’t stand them any longer. Maybe movies work the same way?

Similarly, there was something special about watching Serrie last week Thursday.

It’s not about the costumes or somersaults or booty shaking. It’s about tradition. And Serrie is one of the last few standing traditions we have at Tuks. If you don’t believe me, go to the archives. You’ll be amazed at how many things have downscaled or disappeared completely.

I’m not talking about those old traditions that don’t really apply to the culture of our students at the moment, but other things. Events that everyone enjoyed that some students have never, and will never, experience.

We need to safeguard our traditions. Especially the ones that allow all people to come together. That is what makes music and dancing – even sport – special. It brings everyone together no matter what their backgrounds are. At least Stuku got that right this year.

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this week’s paper. It’s a longer edition as we didn’t have one last week. I hope you enjoy it.

Spirit fingers,

PS: YouTube has a lot of videos of a cappella groups. Some are brilliant, others are shameful. It’s worth a look. Especially if you want to experience a movie montage

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